
Johns Hopkins Appointment Update

You have probably been wondering about the latest on Luke’s surgery. We finally have an update for you! Luke was seen by Dr. Dietz at Johns Hopkins on June 1, 2010. Dr. Dietz will send his ok for surgery to the Houston Shriners Hospital and stressed that the sooner Luke has this procedure the better it will be for him. Dr. Dietz did not want any more time to pass because of Luke’s age. (Note: The surgery will be more difficult the longer we wait because Luke’s bones are naturally calcifying as he ages.)

Dr. Dietz requested that we have Luke genetically tested for Marfan Syndrome because Luke exhibits so many of the characteristics of the disorder. Dr. Dietz does not want to make an inaccurate decision as to whether or not Luke has a check up every year versus every two years. He said Luke is “growing into his aneurysm.” Dr. Dietz said he has seen this before, but because of Luke’s symptoms his aneurysm could change at any time. Dr. Dietz stressed to us that we should not consider Luke to be out of the woods yet.

We will not find out the genetic testing results for several weeks. In the meantime, Luke is still on the waiting list for the surgery on his sternum at the Houston Shriners Hospital.

I appreciate all of you and the support you have shown to our family and to The Luke Pier Foundation,
